Results for 'L. K. Ayliffe'

972 found
  1.  40
    Thermal characterisation of dye-intercalated K-10 montmorillonite ceramics using photoacoustic technique.L. K. Joseph, G. Sanjay, H. Suja, S. Sugunan, V. P. N. Nampoori & P. Radhakrishnan - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (10):895-905.
  2.  65
    On chasm (Paper written by Yu Luoke under the pen name the Beijing-Family-Background-Study-Group).L. K. Yu - 2004 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 35 (4):76-90.
    Editor's Note: Over a long period of time, the evil bourgeois reactionary line has created antagonism between two groups of students in schools—antagonism on the basis of one's family background. This antagonism became very obvious during the initial stage of the Cultural Revolution, and has lasted to this day. It has prevented further criticism of the bourgeois reactionary line and hindered further development of the Cultural Revolution.
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  3. Shri swaminarayan and the path of devotion.L. K. Aravkar - 1981 - In Sahajānanda (ed.), New dimensions in Vedanta philosophy. Ahmedabad: Bochasanwasi Shri Aksharpurushottam Sanstha. pp. 1.
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  4. Self-Portrait with Red Bird.L. K. Holt - 2007 - Feminist Studies 33 (1):42-42.
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    Killing in War, by Jeff McMahan.L. K. McPherson - 2010 - Mind 119 (474):511-515.
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  6.  47
    A Technical Construction in Old English.L. K. Shook - 1940 - Mediaeval Studies 2 (1):253-257.
  7.  41
    The Relationship between Ethical Climate and Ethical Problems within Human Resource Management.L. K. Battels, E. Harrick, K. Martell & D. Strickland - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (7):799-804.
    The study examines the relationship between the strength of an organizationÕs ethical climate and ethical problems involving human resource management. Data were collected through a survey of 1078 human resource managers. The results indicate a statistically significant negative relationship between the strength of an organization'ss ethical climate and the seriousness of ethical violations and a statistically significant positive relationship between an organization'ss ethical climate and success in responding to ethical issues. Thus, interventions that strengthen an organization'ss ethical climate may help (...)
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  8.  65
    Heimsoeth, Studien zur Philosophie Immanuel Kant: metaphysische Ursprünge und ontologische Grundlagen.K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):539-539.
    This volume brings together flux essays by an eminent scholar on the origins, development, and import of Kant's philosophy, chiefly in its metaphysical aspects. Four of these were separately published between 1924 and 1926, but until now have been difficult to obtain, despite great demand. Their appearance here will be welcomed. The thesis emerging from these studies is that the critical philosophy originates in metaphysical probings concerning the nature and presuppositions of being, and issues in doctrines which, despite psychological, epistemological, (...)
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  9.  26
    Extending the expressive power of semantic networks.L. K. Schubert - 1976 - Artificial Intelligence 7 (2):163-198.
  10. The Epistemological Nature of Consciousness.L. K. Sah - 2007 - In Manjulika Ghosh (ed.), Musings on philosophy: perennial and modern. New Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan. pp. 262.
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  11. Filosofii︠a︡ i estestvoznanie.L. K. Bezrodnyĭ (ed.) - 1978 - Krasnodar: Kubanskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  12.  38
    The ability of Chinese students to read in vertical and horizontal directions.L. K. Chen & H. A. Carr - 1926 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 9 (2):110.
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  13.  32
    The problem of learning.L. K. Frank - 1926 - Psychological Review 33 (5):329-351.
  14. Monizm kak print︠s︡ip dialekticheskoĭ logiki.L. K. Naumenko - 1968 - Alma-Ata,: "Nauka,".
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  15.  47
    The locus of experience.L. K. Frank - 1923 - Journal of Philosophy 20 (12):327-329.
  16.  49
    Field-ion microscope evidence for the existence of ana〈110〉 dislocation in iron.L. K. France & M. H. Loretto - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (160):873-876.
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  17. From Karma to Moksha.L. K. Watson - forthcoming - Journal of Dharma.
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  18. The Role of the Community Mental Health Center in Comprehensive Mental Health Program for Older Adults.L. K. BerryhtU - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 78.
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  19. Is Human Virtue a Civic Virtue? A Reading of Aristotle's Politics 3.4.L. K. Gustin Law - 2017 - In Emma Cohen de Lara & Rene Brouwer (eds.), Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy: On the Relationship between the Ethics and Politics. Chem, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 93-118.
    Is the virtue of the good citizen the same as the virtue of the good man? Aristotle addresses this in Politics 3.4. His answer is twofold. On the one hand, (the account for Difference) they are not the same both because what the citizen’s virtue is depends on the constitution, on what preserves it, and on the role the citizen plays in it, and because the good citizens in the best constitution cannot all be good men, whereas the good man’s (...)
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  20.  50
    Historia de la Filosofía Espanola. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (4):693-693.
    Part of a series on Spanish philosophy, this work presents medieval Islamic philosophy from an unusual and consciously restricted perspective. This is most evident in the distribution of emphasis: Al-Kindi, Al-Zarabi, Algazel, even Avicenna are considered in the brief introductory discussion of "Oriental" Islamic philosophy, while the system of Averroes is treated in great detail as the culmination of a distinctly Spanish tradition. Not a definitive history of the subject, but a "scientific manual" of the present state of historical-philosophical knowledge, (...)
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  21.  33
    Il metodo della Filosofia. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):353-353.
    A collection of essays on various aspects of philosophy of science, written around the turn of the century by a perceptive historian of science and methodologist who, under the influence of Peirce, Mach and Peano, anticipated many basic doctrines of the later semantically oriented analytic philosophy. The short introduction discusses Vailati's viewpoint in connection with his chief contemporaries; a brief biography and bibliography are provided. --L. K. B.
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  22.  30
    I valori fra la Metafisica e la Storia. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):342-343.
    Five previously published articles dealing with various topics in philosophy of history. They center on the problem of a metaphysics adequate to a radical emphasis on history over against nature and to a conception of values as emergent through history.--L. K. B.
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  23.  41
    Ortega y Gasset: An Outline of His Philosophy. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):165-166.
    A remarkably condensed statement of the main features of Ortega's philosophy, organized "biographically" around three stages of his intellectual development, termed "objectivism," "perspectivism," and "ratio-vitalism," with chief attention given to the last. The presentation is marked by a soberness unusual in writers on Ortega. As a result, a certain fairness and balance are achieved, yet not at the cost of any adequacy to the vitality of Ortega's own thought.--L. K. B.
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  24.  36
    Our Cultural Heritage. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):718-719.
    To the task undertaken here of articulating the common values and goals which should be ours as heirs of Western culture, Greene brings a scholarly grasp of the history of ideas, a sensitive insight into the actual ideals of our nation, and a responsible concern for an honest and critical national self-understanding. The result is not novel; but it does offer a well expressed and compelling Christian, liberal social philosophy, stressing reverence for God, respect for man, and rich participation in (...)
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  25.  34
    The Role of Knowledge in Western Religion. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (3):493-493.
    Noting the shift from the old science-vs.-religion conflicts to the cooler query, "In what sense and to what extent, if any, does religion involve knowledge?" Randall surveys the history of the question on the way to developing his thesis. Religion is socially indispensable, he holds; in it beliefs function not primarily as expressions of truth but as non-cognitive symbols directing the group's "organized expression of the feelings, actions, and beliefs... centering around the emotionally significant and valuable elements of their social (...)
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  26.  22
    La estructura del valor. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (3):568-568.
    An attempt to clarify and establish systematically foundations for a "formal" science of axiology, relating it to the social sciences and humanities as mathematics is related to the natural sciences.--L. K. B.
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  27.  42
    The Freedom to Read. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):349-350.
    The report of a special commission engaged by the National Book Committee, Inc. to make an inquiry into the theory of censorship and the freedom to read. It presents 1. a philosophical, sociological, and legal analysis of the grounds and implications of censorship, 2. recommendations concerning the needed systematic empirical investigation into the effects of books, the formation of reading taste, etc., and 3. suggestions as to immediate action.--L. K. B.
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  28.  37
    The Language of Modern Physics. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):720-721.
    This book professes to give a semantic analysis of the main concepts of classical and quantum physics. The author holds that the task of philosophy of science is to explicate the meanings of scientific theories, laws, and hypotheses by formal reconstruction; semantic rules are a necessary part of such a reconstruction. Beginning with an extremely, indeed fatally, simplified treatment of the required concepts of logical syntax and semantics, he proceeds to discuss in non-technical language the concepts of the chief physical (...)
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  29.  23
    The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):361-362.
    A reprint of Freud's lectures of 1910. In his philosophically critical preface, Allers briefly but effectively points up logical and scientific weaknesses in Freud's theories, attributes their peculiar success to the appealing ambiguity of approach as between the scientific and the historical, then finds their chief merit in furthering the recognition of man's "historicity."--L. K. B.
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  30.  27
    The Structure of Christian Ethics. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (3):495-495.
    Not a philosophical analysis or explication, this compact, lyrical study remains deliberately within the "organic" categories of biblical speech--which it is part of its purpose to exemplify--and with considerable success communicates the Christian conception of ethical life as man's response to God's self-revealing activity in history, to be understood only in terms of "the living continuity between man-in-God and man-in-man."--L. K. B.
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  31.  47
    Limits to relational autonomy—The Singaporean experience.L. K. R. Krishna, D. S. Watkinson & N. L. Beng - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (3):331-340.
    Recognition that the Principle of Respect for Autonomy fails to work in family-centric societies such as Singapore has recently led to the promotion of relational autonomy as a suitable framework within which to place healthcare decision making. However, empirical data, relating to patient and family opinions and the practices of healthcare professionals in Confucian-inspired Singapore, demonstrate clear limitations on the ability of a relational autonomy framework to provide the anticipated compromise between prevailing family decision-making norms and adopted Western led atomistic (...)
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  32.  42
    Espacio, Tiempo y Paridad. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (3):493-493.
    A technical but lucid and relatively elementary discussion of the development of the physical concepts of space and time and the bearing of the parity hypothesis of Lee and Yang on the future course of this development.--L. K. B.
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  33.  22
    Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (3):514-514.
    A revised edition of a work originally published in 1952, this book offers an entertaining exposé of various pseudoscientific fads and cults, from dowsing and flying saucers to flat earth theories and dianetics. It includes brief but responsible chapters on the theories of Wilhelm Reich, Count Korzybski, and J. B. Rhine.--L. K. B.
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  34.  35
    Los Factores Mentales de Spearman y las Potencias Escolasticas. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):174-174.
    In a critical study of the factor-analytical theory of knowledge of the psychologist C. E. Spearman, the author tries to show that many so-called discoveries of modern psychology are mere elementary and unconscious repetitions of the older but much clearer Thomistic concepts.--L. K. B.
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  35.  25
    La nature et la portée de la méthode scientifique. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):545-545.
    This presentation of scientific methodology tries to avoid metaphysical issues without being unphilosophical. Drawing from a wide range of material, the book describes clearly but rather generally what empirical scientists are concerned with, how they proceed, what they accomplish. The five parts deal with the roles in science of definitions, physical laws and theories, induction, and the interplay of reason and immediate experience. Despite the slant indicated by the many quotations from St. Thomas and Aristotle--peculiarly but pleasantly combined with passages (...)
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  36.  34
    Los Veinte Temas Que He Cultivado en Los Cincuenta Anos de Mi Labor Filosofica. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (1):193-193.
    A dry record, without argument, of conclusions reached on a wide variety of topics through fifty years of scholastic philosophizing.--L. K. B.
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  37.  35
    On the Epistemology of the Inexact Sciences. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (1):188-188.
    On the basis of a re-examination of the status of laws, evidence, confirmation, prediction and explanation in sciences, social as well as physical, in which the reasoning processes are not fully formalized-this informative, pioneering monograph sketches a new epistemological orientation. It emphasizes the development of specifically predictive instrumentalities, regarding which new possibilities are explored and further areas of research suggested.--L. K. B.
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  38.  29
    Physics and Metaphysics of Music and Essays on the Philosophy of Mathematics. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):352-352.
    The chief of these five essays is the effort of a composer and conductor, deeply attached to Kant and widely read in mathematics and popularized physics, to disclose in "music's innate design" a key to the nature of "subliminal" reality, the "Ever Present." Result: both the order of music and the order of subliminal reality are elliptical. The accompanying essays, of chiefly biographical interest, present a philosophical critique of the new mathematics and geometry by a doctrinaire young Kantian. -- L. (...)
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  39.  50
    Spiritualismo Gnoseologico e Metafisico. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):346-346.
    A disciple's exposition of the semi-mystical system of Msgr. Mario Sturzo, drawing solely on the latter's La Filosofia dell' Avvenire. Supposedly a critical re-thinking of the system, the author proposes with an air of daring to alter some of Sturzo's verbal formulas. --L. K. B.
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  40.  30
    Some Problems in Logical Model-Theory. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):530-530.
    A mathematically valuable but technical contribution to the algebraic study of the semantics of formalized languages.--L. K. B.
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  41.  24
    Utopía y Realidad en el Erasmismo Español. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):360-360.
    A brief study, through certain dialogues of Alfonso de Valdes, of the form taken by Erasmianism in the peculiar cultural milieu of 16th-century Spain.--L. K. B.
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  42.  35
    Ritual and Cult: A Sociological Interpretation. [REVIEW]L. K. B. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):363-363.
    In clear, concise language, balancing analysis with evaluation, the author explores briefly the nature and function of ritual, our attitudes toward it, and its proper place in modern life.--L. K. B.
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  43.  67
    A Criticism of "On Family Background".L. K. Yu - 2004 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 35 (4):91-108.
    The Rising Sun Battlefield Journal published by the East-Is-Red Commune of the Beijing Institute of Light Industry devoted as many as six pages to an all-out attack of "On Family Background" in a long and despicable article titled "The Big Poisonous Weed ‘On Family Background’ Must Be Torn Up by the Roots." In their own words, the appearance of this article was inevitable at a time when the Cultural Revolution reached the stage of great alliance [of mass rebel organizations] and (...)
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  44.  18
    The Way of Immortality. [REVIEW]L. K. B. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (4):702-703.
    An ebullient mixture of metaphors into a vision of a here-and-now realization of the potencies of the Spirit as it stretches out "celestial antennae" to contact the Dynamic Power of Life.--L. K. B.
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  45.  29
    A philosopher Looks at Science. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (1):189-189.
    This elementary introduction aims "to present a unified picture of Science"; it shows little concern for serious argument or alternative positions.--L. K. B.
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  46.  24
    A Philosophy of Potentiality. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):185-185.
    The needs of both metaphysics and art criticism for an understanding of creativity are approached here as a single task. The author illustrates his ontological principles in a study of D. H. Lawrence's conception of creative spontaneity. An unusual mixture of rigor, cryptic phrases, parapsychological fact-citing, and fanciful speculation.--L. K. B.
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  47.  30
    An Introduction to Principles of Right Reason. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):349-349.
    This textbook, oriented toward non-majors in philosophy, aims to provide an understanding not merely of forms of valid and invalid inference but also of the cognitive situation, of the methods of successful "problem-solving thought" and of the role of language therein. Great emphasis is thus placed on semiotics, which is integrated with the material from methodology and logic by considerations from general theory of knowledge. The whole presentation is marked by innovations, both pedagogical and theoretical. Most of the material of (...)
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  48.  37
    Ignatius Eschmann, O.P., 1898-1968.L. K. Shook - 1968 - Mediaeval Studies 30 (1):v-ix.
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  49.  87
    Mengzi's Reception of Two All-Out Externality Statements on Yì 義.L. K. Gustin Law - forthcoming - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy:1-30.
    In Mengzi 6A4, Gaozi states that “yì 義 (propriety, rightness) is external, not internal.” In 6A5, Meng Jizi says of yì that “ is on the external, not from the internal.” Their defenses are met with Mengzi’s resistance. What does he perceive and resist in these statements? Focusing on several key passages, I compare six promising interpretations. 6A4 and a relevant part of 2A2 can be rendered comparably sensible under each of the six. However, what Gaozi says in 6A1 clearly (...)
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  50.  16
    The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga. [REVIEW]K. P. L. & Paul Brunton - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (20):559.
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